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Signs of the Times #78 – God Made Trump?

Originally posted Aug. 5, 2024.
Quote of the Times:
“He’s an outsider, he’s not them, he’s not part of the club, he’s uncontrollable, he has not been through the initiation rites, he doesn’t belong to the secret society… they have no idea how to relate to him.” Newt Gingrich, former speaker US House of Representatives, interviewed by Fox News, answering the question: ‘Why do the Republican Party leadership hate Donald Trump?’ Mar. 3, 2016.
“Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo.”  Donald Trump,
“It’s time to put Trump in a bull’s-eye.”  President Joe Biden, speaking to donors,
Some people believe that Trump is ‘controlled opposition.’ The concept of controlled opposition comes from the book ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ – where it is stated – “we will create our own opposition.” It may very well be that Trump is controlled opposition, but events since he became President in 2016 would suggest that the big picture is much more complex than that.
The warfare against Trump has been phenomenal and unprecedented in US history – this proves that ‘the powers that be’ obviously consider him a threat to their agendas and their hegemony. However, all the warfare and lawfare tactics up until now, including the latest assassination attempt, have failed. The failed assassination has burnished Trump’s hagiography considerably. Many believe that Trump was saved by divine intervention – giving great impetus to a video circulating in the cybersphere called ‘God Made Trump.’ Thus, there are many polishing Trump’s halo at present, and not just the Evangelical Christians, but even more vigorous polishing is been done by the Jews – especially those of the Chabad variety, who are openly asserting that Trump could be the Moshiach (a prophet in the same league as Moses), or maybe he is a type of Cyrus (the Persian King who freed the Jews and sent them back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple).
Those who are interested in Bible prophecy and last day events know that God has a systematic timeline of events that will occur before Christ comes and the history of the world ends. They also know that the enemy has a false counterfeit timeline of events that most of the Christian and Jewish world has fallen victim to. These false prophecies all revolve around Israel, a new temple in Jerusalem and Armageddon in Israel. Is it not logical that the enemy will attempt to make his false prophecies come true, thereby negating the impact of God’s true biblical prophecies? Will Donald Trump, ‘the God Made Man’ be the instrument in the enemy’s hand’s to bring these dangerous delusions to fruition?
Donald Trump is a mixed bag. He wants to drain the swamp and he wants to make America great again – and many applaud him for that. But he is also a rabid Zionist, he will do anything for Israel, including going to war for Israel. He proved his Zionist credentials during his first term in office, when he ordered the US embassy to be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem (something every other US President refused to do) and his announcement that the Golan Heights (formerly part of Syria) was now Israeli territory.
The momentum towards a greater conflict in the Middle East took a nauseating turn when the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, received 58 standing ovations from the US Congress (they were applauding a man that the International Court of Justice has declared to be a war criminal). Because of the fawning adulation he received in America he can now go back to Israel wrapped in the American flag. He can tell his compatriots that they have received Americas endorsement to do whatever they liked. And if they get into trouble America will send in the cavalry to rescue them – Yippee, Armageddon here we come.
There is still five months to go before Trump can be anointed as Moshiach or Cyrus or whatever. There is still time for ‘the powers that be’ to try to kill him again – One ominous sign of the times is the recent release from Russian custody of the assassinator in chiel – Paul Whelan. Paul Whelan was part of the recent prisoner swap between America and Russia. He was given a hero’s welcome by Joe Biden, who took a pin form his own jacket and pinned it onto Whelan. Paul Whelan was imprisoned in Russia because he was caught with a thumb drive with the names and addresses of Russian snipers for hire. He was in Russia for the purpose of recruiting snipers. Paul Whelan is an arms dealer. But he is a specialised arms dealer. He recruits snipers; he trains them, and he outfits them with specialised weapons (he is almost certainly a CIA operative). What a happy coincidence that he turns up hale and hearty just before the US election. Watch out Donald, they have unfinished business with you…
God bless,
Bruce Telfer.
  1. ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ is a forgery. It is Jesuit misinformation. The Jesuits were clever enough to realise that some observant people would detect the ‘hidden hand’ behind most of the major events perpetrated upon the world. Therefore, they created the Protocols of Zion which outlines their own nefarious deeds, but with the publication of the Protocols, the blame for all the evil they perpetuate, falls on the Jews. Therefore, the ‘hidden hand’ remains hidden.
  2. ‘The powers that be’ are not a united front. For example, in America there are different factions jockeying against one another for power and influence. Some of them can be easily identified, such as the Bush dynasty faction, the Clinton faction, the Obama faction. Then there are the foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation or the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. And the elephant in the room – the Deep State. These entities sometime work together and sometimes they oppose one another. Controlled opposition is usually controlled bu one or more of these factions.
  3. Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jarad Kushner are Jewish, and both are members of the Chabad sect. Jarad was one of Trump’s inner circle of advisors in his administration.
  4. Netanyahu and Trump are close friends, they had a private meeting during Netanyahu’s recent visit to the US. Netanyahu, went back to Israel with Trump’s endorsement too.

Video link: “He didn’t belong to the secret society” – Newt Gingrich on why GOP establishment hates Trump (

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