Signs of the Times – #43

Signs of the Times – #43


The Catholic Conquest of America (USA) – part 6


Originally posted, Oct. 16, 2014.


Quotes of the times:

“A conspiracy against the liberties of this Republic is now in full action, under the direction of the wily Prince Metternich of Austria, who knowing the impossibility of obliterating this troublesome example of a great and free nation by force of arms, is attempting to accomplish his object through the agency of an army of Jesuits.”  Samuel B. Morse (inventor of Morse Code).


“I come fearlessly today before the American people to say and prove that the President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by the priests and Jesuits of Rome.”  Charles Chiniquy, Catholic priest and personal friend of Abraham Lincoln.


At the foundation of the American Republic the American people were not unaware of the danger from the other side of the Atlantic – they took a defensive measure called ‘the ‘Munroe Doctrine.’  Named after President Monroe and announced in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine was a declaration by the American’s to the Catholic/Jesuit/Ancien Régime, to stay on their side of the Atlantic – if they did cross the Atlantic this would result in war with the American Republic.


However, the Monroe Doctrine was not sufficient to protect the United States of America.  The first major assault came in the form of the classic ‘divide and conquer’ strategy – the American Civil War.  The goal of the war was to divide the United States into two separate, hostile nations.  When this was accomplished one nation could be played off against the other – and the Catholic cause would triumph.

The pope made his intentions clear, as to which side he supported, when he wrote a letter to Jefferson Davis (president of the Confederate States), addressing Davis as ‘Illustrious President.’   As a result of the pope’s endorsement:”100,000 loyal Roman Catholics from the Northern Army switched sides and fought for the South.” Avro Manhattan, The Vatican Moscow Alliance, p. 271.


It is said, ‘When the hour cometh, so cometh the man’ – and Abraham Lincoln was the man who rose to power, at this time, to meet the challenge.  Lincoln knew who the true perpetrators of the conflict were, he said, “We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons… I pity the priests when the people realize that they are responsible for the bloodshed in this war.”  Quoted by, Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years In The Church of Rome, pp. 296,297.

Part of the Northern strategy for prosecuting the war was to blockade the Southern ports to cut off trade and support from Europe.  This had far reaching consequences that stretched all the way to China and threatening the economies of powerful European nations (see Signs of the Times – part 26).  The European response was to invade Mexico: “A convention between Great Britain, France and Spain for joint intervention in Mexico was signed in London on Oct. 30, 1861.  Encyclopedia Britannica, Art. Mexico, vol. 15, p. 391.  Why invade Mexico?  Because a French regime was to be installed there and then they were going to invade the United States from the South (in support of the Confederate States).  Britain was to join the campaign by invading from the north.  Thus the United States was doomed, because the plan went into effect. The French took over Mexico (complete with an emperor, borrowed from the Austrian royal family), and Britain already controlled Canada to the north and had been invading the United States already on a semi-regular basis (e.g. the Anglo – American War of 1812 – 1815 etc.).  However, Northern cause was rescued by Abraham Lincoln – he had two last cards to play and he was a skilled player.

The American Civil War was not about slavery.  It was about state’s rights (the rights of the individual states as opposed to the federal government).  Lincoln turned the war into the struggle against slavery by playing the first of his last two cards.  He issued the proclamation of emancipation – he abolished slavery in 1863.  What did he achieve by abolishing slavery?  Surely such a proclamation would only rile up the Southerners even more, and make them more determined to fight!


Lincoln had to weigh up the negative impact of the proclamation in the South with the impact the proclamation would have in Europe – he abolished slavery because the positive impact in Europe (for the Northern cause) far outweighed the negative impact in the South.  The abolition of slavery stopped the interfering European powers in their tracks, because slavery had just been abolished throughout the British Empire and France had followed suit and public opinion was hugely against slavery: “The conversion of the struggle (the civil war) into a crusade against slavery made intervention impossible.”  Encyclopedia Britannica, art. United States of America, vol. 22. p. 767. 


Another peril was the construction of special ships in Britain (called Laird’s Rams – high tech for the time) to break the blockade of the southern ports.  To counter this threat Lincoln played his second last card.  He wrote a letter to the Tsar of Russia – when the American ambassador presented the letter to the Tsar, without even opening the letter the Tsar said: “Whatever is in this letter we grant.”  The letter contained a plea for help – Lincoln desperately needed an ally in his struggle with Britain and France.  The Tsar sent half of his navy to the west coast of America and the other half to the east coast.  In other words, war with America would also be war against Russia.  This was Lincoln’s last card and it was sufficient – the other side of the Atlantic had no more cards to play.  [Britain and France had both just fought a war against Russia (the Crimean War 1853 – 1856), and Russia had beaten them.  Neither Britain nor France was eager for a rematch].


Of course Lincoln had to be punished for his victory and he was assassinated by the Jesuits in 1865.  The trigger was pulled by John Wilks Booth, but he was not acting alone.  The rest of the plotters were arrested – they were all hanged – they were all Catholics.  One plotter, John Surrat, escaped to Canada (where he was protected by the Catholic Church).  He eventually escaped to the Vatican and he became a soldier in the pope’s army.  He was eventually brought back to America – he was arrested and tried in court – but he was acquitted (justice was not done).  Nevertheless, the Union was preserved, and the American Republic survived – but America would not survive the next assaults.


To be continued…


God bless, Bruce Telfer.


Extra Notes:

The Catholic involvement in Lincoln’s assassination was concealed from the general public, because it was feared that retaliatory mobs would attack and kill innocent Catholic people.

Charles Chiniquy is an authoritative voice from the period.  He was a Catholic priest who got offside with the Jesuits and the Jesuits framed him with serious charges.  Chiniquy needed the best lawyer in Illinois to defend him, so he hired Abraham Lincoln.  Lincoln proved that the Jesuits had framed his client and Chiniquy was declared innocent.  Thus the Jesuit hatred for Lincoln began long before he became president.  Lincoln and Chiniquy became great friends and Chiniquy would often visit Lincoln in the White House.  On one visit Lincoln greeted Chiniquy with these words: “I am so glad to see you again – you see that your friends, the Jesuits have not yet killed me.  But they would have surely done it when I passed through their most devoted city, Baltimore, had I not defeated their plans, by passing incognito a few hours before they expected me… …so many plots have already been made against my life, that it is a real miracle that they have all failed, when we consider that the great majority of them were in the hands of skillful Roman Catholic murderers, evidently trained by Jesuits.  New projects of assassination are detected almost every day, accompanied with such savage circumstances, that they bring to my memory the massacre of the St Bartholomew and the Gunpowder Plot.  We feel, at their investigation, that they come from the same masters in the art of murder, the Jesuits… Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years In The Church of Rome, pp. 493, 501, 506.

After the civil war America bought Alaska from Russia.  At the time the purchase was called ‘Seward’s Folly’ (because it was thought that Seward (America’s negotiator), paid more than it was worth).  The inflated price for the purchase was a back-handed way of showing gratitude to Russia for its crucial assistance during the war.  [America paid $7.2 million for Alaska which was about 2 cents per acre].

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